Lead Categories
  • 31 Mar 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Lead Categories

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Article summary

Leads are categorised numerically and may be called individally.

Example API Request URL for Category 1, a Contact Form Message:


API Response:

Success will provide a status = 200

Failure will provide a status = 500

The response body will contain a JSON object of data.

Lead Category Response Examples:


Contact Form Message (Lead Category 1)


{"id": 2000, "category": {"id": 1, "name": "Contact Form Message"}, "service": {"id": 100000, "name": "Example Service Name", "postcode": "SW1A 1AA"}, "to": "example.service@group.com", "from": "johnsmith@gmail.com", "date": "2021-06-27T14:17:29.517Z", "content": "I am looking for a care home for my wife.", "enquirerFirstName": "John", "enquirerSurname": "Smith", "onBehalfOf": "['Family member']", "residentFirstName": "Jane", "residentSurname": "Smith", "telephone": "01900 000000", "isAnonymised": false, "funding": "['Self Funding']", "timescales": null, "categorySpecificData": {"instruction": ""}}


In Person Visit Request (Lead Category 2)


{"id": 1811, "category": {"id": 2, "name": "In Person Visit Request"}, "service": {"id": 100000, "name": "Example Service Name", "postcode": " SW1A 1AA"}, "to": "example.service@group.com", "from": " johnsmith@gmail.com ", "date": "2021-04-26T10:06:45.724Z", "content": "I am looking for safe and caring home to help my mother who has vascular dementia.", "enquirerFirstName": "John", "enquirerSurname": "Smith", "onBehalfOf": "['Family member']", "residentFirstName": "Jane", "residentSurname": "Smith", "telephone": "01900 000000", "isAnonymised": false, "funding": "['Top-up']", "timescales": null, "categorySpecificData": {"visitDate": "2021-04-29", "visitTime": "We don't get this", "instruction": "Please confirm directly with requester"}}


Virtual Visit Request (Lead Category 3)


{"id": 1812, "category": {"id": 3, "name": "Virtual Visit Request"}, "service": {"id": 100000, "name": "Example Service Name", "postcode": " SW1A 1AA"}, "to": "example.service@group.com", "from": " johnsmith@gmail.com ", "date": "2021-04-26T10:06:45.724Z", "content": "I am looking for safe and caring home to help my mother who has vascular dementia.", "enquirerFirstName": "John", "enquirerSurname": "Smith", "onBehalfOf": “['Family member']”, "residentFirstName": "Jane", "residentSurname": "Smith", "telephone": "+447979908510", "isAnonymised": false, "funding": "['Top-up']", "timescales": null, "categorySpecificData": {"visitDate": "2021-04-29", "visitTime": "We don't get this", "instruction": "Please confirm directly with requester"}}


Call Back Request (Lead Category 4)


{"id": 2000, "category": {"id": 4, "name": "Call Back Request"}, "service": {"id": 100000, "name": " Example Service Name", "postcode": "SW1A 1AA"}, "to": "example.service@group.com", "from": "johnsmith@gmail.com", "date": "2021-06-27T14:17:29.517Z", "content": "I am looking for a care home for my wife.", "enquirerFirstName": "John", "enquirerSurname": "Smith", "onBehalfOf": “['Family member']”, "residentFirstName": "Jane", "residentSurname": "Smith", "telephone": "01900 000000", "isAnonymised": false, "funding": "['Self Funding']", "timescales": "['2-4 weeks']", "categorySpecificData": {"instruction": "Call Back Request"}}


Email Details Request (Lead Category 5)


{"id": 2000, "category": {"id": 5, "name": "Email Details Request"}, "service": {"id": 100000, "name": " Example Service Name", "postcode": "SW1A 1AA"}, "to": "example.service@group.com", "from": "johnsmith@gmail.com", "date": "2021-06-27T14:17:29.517Z", "content": "I am looking for a care home for my wife.", "enquirerFirstName": "John", "enquirerSurname": "Smith", "onBehalfOf": "['Family member']", "residentFirstName": "Jane", "residentSurname": "Smith", "telephone": "01900 000000", "isAnonymised": false, "funding": "['Self Funding']", "timescales": "['2-4 weeks']", "categorySpecificData": {"instruction": "Email Me Details"}}


Referral with contact permission (Lead Category 6) (example is email permission only)


{"id": 2000, "category": {"id": 6, "name": "Referral with contact"}, "service": {"id": 200000, "name": " Example Service Name", "postcode": "SW1A 1AA"}, "to": "example.service@group.com", "from": "johnsmith@gmail.com", "date": "2021-06-27T14:17:29.517Z", "content": "I am looking for a retirement home.", "enquirerFirstName": "John", "enquirerSurname": "Smith", "onBehalfOf": "['Myself']", "residentFirstName": null, "residentSurname": null, "telephone": "01900 000000", "isAnonymised": false, "funding": "['Buy']", "timescales": "['2-4 weeks']", "categorySpecificData": {"instruction": "Permission to contact the enquirer has been granted.  Please check methods granted.", "emailPermission": true, "phonePermission": false, "budget_type": "Purchase", "budget_min": 350000, "budget_max": 450000}}


Referral without contact permission (Lead Category 7)


{"id": 2000, "category": {"id": 7, "name": "Referral without contact"}, "service": {"id": 200000, "name": " Example Service Name", "postcode": "SW1A 1AA"}, "to": "example.service@group.com", "from": "johnsmith@gmail.com", "date": "2021-06-27T14:17:29.517Z", "content": "I am looking for a retirement home.", "enquirerFirstName": "John", "enquirerSurname": "Smith", "onBehalfOf": "['Myself']", "residentFirstName": null, "residentSurname": null, "telephone": "01900 000000", "isAnonymised": false, "funding": "['Buy']", "timescales": "['2-4 weeks']", "categorySpecificData": {"instruction": "Permission to contact the enquirer has been granted.  Please check methods granted.", "emailPermission": false, "phonePermission": false, "budget_type": "Purchase", "budget_min": 350000, "budget_max": 450000}}


Known Placements


{"id": 2000, "category": {"id": 8, "name": "Placement"}, "service": {"id": 200000, "name": " Example Service Name", "postcode": "SW1A 1AA"}, "to": "example.service@group.com", "from": "johnsmith@gmail.com", "date": "2021-06-27T14:17:29.517Z", "content": "I am looking for a retirement home.", "enquirerFirstName": "John", "enquirerSurname": "Smith", "onBehalfOf": "['Myself']", "residentFirstName": null, "residentSurname": null, "telephone": "01900 000000", "isAnonymised": false, "funding": "['Buy']", "timescales": "['2-4 weeks']", "categorySpecificData": {"instruction": "Permission to contact the enquirer has been granted.  Please check methods granted.", "emailPermission": false, "phonePermission": false, "budget_type": "Purchase", "budget_min": 350000, "budget_max": 450000}}